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Weekly Newsletter
with the Parsha Summary in a




July 13, 2024

The ashes of the Red Heifer are sprinkled over a ritually defiled person, who must then live outside the community in quarantine. 

Rabbinic scholar, Rabbi J. H. Hertz notes:

"The individual who may have helped others to self-sacrifices and holiness, not infrequently becomes hard and self-centered, elevating others and himself sinking into impurity, and unholiness."

We should always be alert to the potential dangers that confront even good people and worthy causes!



June 22. 2024

Immorality, idolatry, exploitation, and bigotry, are among the hallmarks of our enemies --

 and likewise, God's enemies.

The Jewish imperatives of righteousness, justice, and altruism, antagonize all aggressors.

These virtues stand in the way of tyranny's designs.



June 15, 2024

In this sedra's BIRKAT KOHANIM/ PRIESTLY BENEDICTION, we read: "May the Lord lift up his face upon you, and give you peace!"

The first petition is for material blessings;

the second is intellectual blessings;

and the third is for spiritual blessings.

True "shalom" (peace, inward harmony and tranquility) can be ours only if we dedicate our material and intellectual blessings to the service of humankind, and the glory of God!

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