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Shomrei Torah Congregation  

Scottsdale, Arizona

An Independent, Traditional, Egalitarian Synagogue

Welcoming All Who Seek Jewish Connections to Torah 

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The Talmud says ‘Tzedakah (Charity) is equal in importance to all other commandments combined.' 

At Shomrei Torah, we have provided this donation page to allow you to participate in Synagogue Tzedakah where you benefit from doing a good deed and your synagogue and its members benefit from your act of kindness. 

Thank you for participating in Tzedakah by donating to honor family, friends or a special event.

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Be sure and add the Name of Person Honored in the "Name of Person Honored by Donation" description.
Name of Person Honored by Donation
Enter include the name of the person who the donation is made in honor of.
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